As promised, I will be holding a contest for a free session! This session includes, but is not limited to, seniors, families, children, engagements, any times! Sounds great, right? It is! All you have to do is fill out the form provided later in the post and email it to: Be sure to title the email "BCP April" I will select the winner by using's Random Integer Generator. Your integer will be assigned by the order in which emails are received (first is number 1, etc.) I will do the drawing as soon as I have 10+ entries. Get yours in NOW! :] You must also be willing to meet me in either Seminole or Lubbock. (come on, it's free!) Hope to see a lot of entries!! Good luck, everyone and thanks for your participation!
Bethany, BCP
Session type preferred:
Seminole or Lubbock:
Why did you decide to enter the contest?
That last question is just for fun...Winner will not be based on who answers the question best. :D